Queen Mab

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Queen Mab is a fairy referred to in William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, where “she is the fairies’ midwife. She is described as a miniature creature who performs midnight pranks upon sleepers.”

I met Queen Mab though, in the 1998 TV miniseries, Merlin. She was a huge inspiration to my fantasy art since I am fascinated by fantasy movies and the fairy realm. When I started using the internet, I used Queen Mab as my nickname in several places, and I would probably be known as Queen Mab today, and not Queen Uriel, if DeviantART had let me use the name! lol! Maybe it was not meant to be! She is still one of my top favorite characters to this day, and if you never seen Merlin before, I totally recommend it! A little tribute to this dark queen!

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A Paint Shop Pro (PSP) Tube.
The main character comes without background.
High-Quality PNG Image, with transparent background.